Friday, February 26, 2010

So i'm wondering if there is a polite way to ask one's roommates to be quieter in the mornings? Thoughts, anyone?? See I am definately a night owl. I can stay up all night and somehow feel invigorated the next morning. (But really, maybe I never got over the jet-lag from my European tour 6 years ago...) So when I go to bed around three a.m. and my roommates get up at seven and start slamming doors and talking louder than the jolly green giant I kind of want to squash them. Today was that kind of day. I was up all night (almost) doing homework and was woke up this morning by what sounded like some knock-down, drag-out brawl going on in my apartment. It was really just the sound of four twenty-something year old girls getting ready to go to school and face the "steamy" masses of men they would encounter on the way. So instead of blowing up, I got up. I know right, very uncharictaristic of me. I started some laundry, came back and grimmaced at the girls as they ate Pop-tarts and watched cartoons. Maybe its just the cynic in me but they really arent old enough to be in college if their morning routine consists of children's food and cartoon characters, right?! This is just one of the many challenges I'm facing coming back to school at 27 and living with girls just out of high school. So please if you have any advice on how I can NOT start Ridge War I, share! (And fast, because my patience is starting to wane.)