Tuesday, January 26, 2010

I've come to realize the more time someone spends in Rexburg the more things start to happen that would never happen anywhere else. For example last night I went to a movie with a friend and upon returning home I smelled that distinct burnt hair smell. You know, the one that smells like rust and limes have caught fire. I realized the smell got stronger as I got closer to my bedroom when suddenly my roommate burst out of her room and began to apologize profusely for the horrid smell. When I asked her what happened she told me she had lit some candles in her room but knocked one onto her bed where it immediately caught fire. The fire was small and very quickly contained but the singe markes and smell where evidence enough for me to forbid my roommate from burning candles at night ever again! Rexburg is a strange place and I seem to be like a black hole for strange things and people while I live here. I suppose I should just sit back, fire extinguisher in hand, and enjoy the show!